Healthcare Information Technology Free Informations
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Electronic Health Record (EHR) Laboratory Results Reporting
The Electronic Health Records Laboratory Results Reporting Interoperability Specification defines specific standards to support the interoperability between electronic health records and laboratory systems and secure access to laboratory results and interpretations in a patient-centric manner.
The Biosurveillance Interoperability Specification defines specific standards that promote the exchange of biosurveillance information among healthcare providers and public health authorities.
Consumer Empowerment
The Consumer Empowerment and Access to Clinical Information via Networks Interoperability Specification defines specific standards needed to assist patients in making decisions regarding care and healthy lifestyles (i.e., registration information, medication history, lab results, current and previous health conditions, allergies, summaries of healthcare encounters and diagnoses). This Interoperability Specification defines specific standards needed to enable the exchange of such data between patients and their caregivers via networks.
Emergency Responder Electronic Health Record (ER-EHR)
The Emergency Responder Electronic Health Record Interoperability Specification defines specific standards required to track and provide on-site emergency care professionals, medical examiner/fatality managers and public health practitioners with needed information regarding care, treatment or investigation of emergency incident victims.
The Quality Interoperability Specification defines specific standards needed to benefit providers by providing a collection of data for inpatient and ambulatory care and to benefit clinicians by providing real-time or near-real-time feedback regarding quality indicators for specific patients.
Patient – Provider Secure Messaging
The Patient-Provider Secure Messaging Interoperability Specification describes the information flows, processes, and system capabilities that are required for patients to interact with their healthcare clinicians remotely using common computer technologies readily available in homes and other settings.
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