Take Care of Your Mind

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Being in good health means more than feeling physically well; it also means feeling mentally well.

Today, we are more aware of how our mental and physical health affect each other. Setting aside time to focus on mental health is important – to you and those who care about you. By practicing mind and body fitness, you can nurture your mind, body and spirit in a positive and enjoyable way.

Life is full of change, risks and challenges. Good mental or emotional health helps us find our balance and stay in control, even during turbulent times. But how do we know if we are mentally healthy enough to deal with life’s ups and downs?

Get Mentally Fit

If your goal is to get into better shape mentally, then this new section is the place for you to discover how. So read on!

A range of other options is available to help you improve your mental fitness, including self-help books, support groups, relaxation therapy, meditation, and talk or behavioural therapy. Talking to a mental health professional, or other health care provider, can help you identify what type of support you will benefit from most.

If you need more information about resources in your area, contact a community organization, such as the Canadian Mental Health Association, to help you find additional support.

Take control of your health. Take care of your mind.

Practice Mind + Body Fitness